Types of power of attorney for Iranians living abroad

وکالت‌نامه میخک

Simple definition of power of attorney

A power of attorney is actually a contract between two parties called a lawyer and a client. Or it can be said that it is a document that describes the agreements of the parties, the subject and powers in the field of representation. A power of attorney contract can be concluded between two ordinary people, and one party does not need to be an approved legal lawyer.

Types of power of attorney

Binding, absolute, judicial, non-judicial, simple, non-delegable power of attorney, official power of attorney, and ordinary power of attorney, which is arranged in the form of written affidavit or written contract between the parties and without referring to notary offices.

وکالت‌نامه خارج کشور

Commonly used and used power of attorney

The MIKHAK system allows us to request and receive various types of power of attorney with the limits of the attorney’s powers. Powers of attorney including:

  • Power of attorney for buying and selling vehicles
  • Changing the license plate
  • Carrying out insurance matters
  • Power of attorney to get a copy of the car document
  • Power of attorneys of companies
  • Transfer and purchase and sale of shares
  • Registration and liquidation of the company
  • Commercial power of attorney
  • Performing customs affairs
  • Power of attorney for marriage
  • Advocacy in divorce
  • Guardianship of the child
  • Application for monopoly of inheritance
  • Real estate power of attorney
  • Mortgaging and leasing property
  • Buying and selling property
  • Bank power of attorney
  • Opening and closing a bank account
  • Taking checks and loans
  • Power of attorney to receive salary and pension
  • power of attorney
  • Representation of identification documents such as birth certificate and national card and e.g.

Westwood services about vekalatname

بهروز وثوقی

Accordingly contact Westwood to receive a valid and legal power of attorney. Nearly a quarter of a century of experience in providing power of attorney services allows us to serve you with complete confidence. Westwood’s office is located in Los Angeles, California, USA, and you don’t need to go to Washington to do administrative work.

Check out Westwood’s website articles here.

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