All types of services for issuing, renewing and amending American passports

خدمات پاسپورت آمریکا

American passport

A United States passport is a document issued to citizens and nationals of the United States of America. This certificate is issued exclusively by the US Department of State. In addition to the passport that is issued in the form of a booklet, passport cards are also issued with limited use by the same government organization and with the same conditions. It is illegal for US citizens and nationals to enter or leave without a valid US passport or passport replacement document. Although there are many exceptions; And there are exemptions in general. In some cases, US citizens returning without a passport are subject to an exception and the departure requirement is not enforced.

Tips about the US passport

  • To travel, your passport must be valid for at least 6 months
  • Passport holders can travel to 184 countries without a visa
  • The ability to enter 27 member countries of the European Union and England without a visa
  • Travel to Puerto Rico, North Marina, Guam and American Samoa does not require a passport
  • US citizens usually have two passports, one of which is used to issue visas and the other to stamp countries that do not require visas

Types of American passport

The US passport is issued in two types: notebook and card. This certificate has different types, each of which is issued to people with different responsibilities. In the following, we will describe its types:

  • Ordinary (red cover): for all citizens and non-citizens
  • Service: Service contractors who travel abroad to perform US contracts
  • Official (red cover): US government and military employees with their families
  • Political or Diplomatic (Black Cover): Official US political figures at home or abroad and eligible dependents
  • Asylum: Only for foreign nationals
  • Re-entry: residence permit for stateless permanent residents or those unable to obtain a passport for international travel
  • Emergency: for citizens abroad in urgent situations such as imminent death and burial
  • US Passport Card: A small identification card for crossing land and sea borders with Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Bermuda

خدمات گذرنامه آمریکا

Passport related services

Regarding the US passport, you should know that there are various services. All these services are provided by the Westwood office in person or in person. Read the types of these services below:

  • Passport application
  • Renewal of lost, damaged or expired passports
  • Modification of specifications
  • Change of residence
  • Separation of passports
  • Second passport
  • And etc.

The Westwood office is the official representative of the US Passport Office

پاسپورت آمریکا

The United States Passport Office in the great state of California has chosen the Westwood FB Express service office as its representative. This title has allowed the Westwood service office with more than 23 years of experience to do the related work quickly. With 9 quotas per week, we can apply for and receive your passport quickly without the need to visit the passport office.

Westwood’s office is located at 1334 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles. contact us.
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